By Staff Writer ( | First Posted: Nov 25, 2015 06:42 AM EST

Frieza made an epic fail - arriving where the enemy isn't. Or maybe it's Goku's - being where the fight isn't.

"Dragon Ball Super's" 20th episode ended with the supervillain arriving on Earth with a thousand soldiers. Since Goku was away training with Vegeta and Whis, he'll have to make do with Gohan and the Z-fighters.

Perhaps Gohan will see this as a golden opportunity to prove to his old man he can handle such an enemy. However, as observed by Design&Trend, it looks like Gohan's worried about the encounter.

Should fans of the series, particularly those on Team Goku, be worried too?

"Gohan and the rest of the Z-fighters certainly look like they have their hands full," the site noted. "It makes us wonder how powerful Frieza's soldiers really are, considering that Gohan's grandfather, Bardock, didn't seem to be having too much of a problem with them in 'Bardock: The Father of Goku.'"

However, if one can recall, Bardock only had a 10,000 power level, while Gohan's is at least a thousand times more than that. As such, it's likely that Gohan will be able to take care of all of Frieza's minions like it was nothing.

Episode 21 has been titled "The Revenge Begins! The Freeza Army's Malice Strikes Gohan!" The preview clip begins with a shot of the enemy with his phalanx of fighters, with Frieza appearing to order them to attack.

"The next shot shows Goku and Vegeta continuing their training with Whis," Yibada noted. "Meanwhile, the preview also shows scenes of fighters fighting against Freeza's soldiers."

"Before the 'Dragon Ball Super' Episode 21 preview trailer ends, we see Bulma talking to Freeza. She looks angry," the site added.

It appears that Bulma got information from Jaco that the villain is bringing a thousand soldiers to attack Earth in an hour. She then went to Whis to report the information but was unable to do so immediately. As a result, Gohan, Piccolo, Kririn, and co. have to be the ones to face Frieza, who motivated his minions by saying that whoever kills Kririn will get a planet of their choice as a prize.

Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta are seen finishing up their training and receiving "some powerful energy from his staff," International Business Times said. As a result, they feel stronger than before.

What will become of the five fighters who are facing the prospect of fighting Frieza and his army? Tune in on November 29th to know the answer.


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