By Michael Oleaga ( | First Posted: Jul 18, 2012 05:04 PM EDT

The Romney campaign has released its new ad, the difference here is it's targeted for the Hispanic demographic featuring his son, Craig, and acknowledges their Mexican background

The ad, titled "País De Inmigrantes," or "Country of Immigrants," features the Romney son touting his father understands the issues immigrants and the Hispanic community face today.

"I would like to tell you how my father, Mitt Romney, thinks," said Craig Romney, when the ad is translated. "He values very much that we are a nation of immigrants."

The ad goes as far to say his grandfather, George, was born in Mexico.

"For our family the greatness of the United States is how we respect and help each other, regardless of where we come from. As president, my father will work on a permanent solution to the immigration system, working with leaders of both parties," said Romney's son.

The 30-second video is actually the ninth Spanish ad released by the Romney campaign since January.

Supports of President Barack Obama, namely the super-PAC Priorities USA Action, said the ad shows Romney attempting to attract the "worst elements of the far-right on immigration."

"[Romney] called the DREAM Act a 'handout,' made 'self-deportation' the center-piece of his immigration policy, and repeated the sentiment that immigrants come to America "looking for a free deal," said Priorities USA senior strategist and former White House aide Bill Burton. "One disingenuous and deceptive political ad will not change the fact that Mitt Romney has consistently tried to benefit politically from attacking the character and motives of hardworking people who come to the United States hoping to live the American Dream."

The ad is an attempt to gain Hispanic voters, most of whom showed support for Obama especially after recent immigration executive orders.

The Spanish ad also comes after comedian George Lopez said Romney will lose the Hispanic vote because Romney would not "admit" his grandfather was born in Mexico.

"Mitt Romney wants the Latino vote," said Lopez. "He ain't going to get it. He ain't going to get it. And you know why? Because Mitt Romney is a [expletive] Latino and he won't admit it. His father was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. Mitt Romney is a Chicano."

The Romney campaign has not responded to Lopez's comments.

The Republican candidate is heard speaking Spanish as well, only stating that he's Mitt Romney, and he approved the message.

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