The Walking Dead Game
A new game based on the popular TV show "The Walking Dead" is set to be available on iOS and Android devices
Telltale will reveal new details about their sequel to The Walking Dead on Oct. 29.
The episodic game will be coming to the indie home console sometime in the winter.
New DLC for The Walkign Dead has appeared on a listing, could this be what the Vine videos have been hinting at?
Telltale has confirmed The Walking Dead Season 2 will be release in the Fall of 2013.
Telltale hints at the next season of the episodic game of The Walking Dead.
Telltale Games, the developers behind the critically acclaimed Walking Dead game, has taken to Twitter Vine to tease a brief snapshot of a new, unidentified game.
Telltale games reveals that they plan on releasing season two of The Walking Dead Game by the fall.
Telltale games reveals that more episodes are coming to The Walking Dead before the second season levels are released.
Telltale's beautifully crafted first season of the Walking Dead game was just the beginning.