There are rumors that the Samsung Galaxy Note 6 will feature a dual-camera. The new update is expected to provide excellent quality images like never before and pave the way to how camera technologies will be developed in the future.
Value Walk reported that the Galaxy Note 6 will most likely feature 4K resolution and a dual-camera, among other powerful specifications. The company might also enhance the megapixel rating, so the next-generation device will most likely include a more powerful camera than the 16-megapixel Galaxy Note 5 shooter. Using the Agile approach in releasing devices, the phablet might be launched earlier than expected. Samsung previously stated that the device will release earlier than the Apple iPhone.
Techno Focus wrote that camera technology is increasing becoming vital for smartphone companies. Samsung actually pioneered the emphasis placed on camera by introducing devices with powerful camera specifications and high performance. Samsung acknowledges that the quality of images rendered by their devices will be important on how these will be viewed by the public.
Korean site ET News revealed that Samsung is developing a dual-camera setup module that allows users to shoot 3D photos and live images. Users can also record 360-degree videos in 4K resolution, among other capabilities. Samsung will reportedly not debut the dual-camera technology on the Samsung Galaxy S7, so fans speculated that it might come with the Galaxy Note 6. The hefty dual-camera might be easier to integrate in phablets than smartphones without affecting vital features like optical image stabilization, 4G LTE and wireless charging.
The GalaxyNote6 website stated that the upcoming device might feature a 21-megapixel sensor at the top and a depth sensor or motion sensor at the bottom. The target users of the new dual-camera technology are believed to be content creators, similar to the audience of the newly released Apple iPad Pro. It might run on the Exynos 56xx 16-core, 3.X+ GHx processor, have a 30-megapixel rotary sensor supporting the front and back, fast charging capabilities, 6GB of RAM, 256 of internal memory, 4K resolution, a new design featuring metal and alloy materials, and a foldable or curved display.
The Galaxy Note 5 released in August 2015, but the Note 6 might release in the first or second quarter of 2016 if Samsung goes with the new Agile methodology.
Users hope that the Samsung Galaxy Note 6 will be the fastest, slimmest and most secure phablet in the market when it launches.
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