winter storm
Massachusettes spent $47 over its annual winter budget in salting and plowing roads between October and March.
What may be the last storm the winter season is blanketing the eastern seaboard with heavy snow and record-low temperatures.
The South will be hit by a new winter snow storm early this week, which will be called Octavia.
Travel bans in New York and New Jersey have been lifted but residents in New England are bracing for another night of blustering winds and heavy snowfall.
New updated blizzard warnings for New York City, southern New York State and Massachusetts warn of greater amounts of snow than earlier reported. The updates, which were released early Friday afternoon, remain in effect until 1 p.m. EST on Saturday throughout the Northeast. Governors in several states have also instituted state of emergencies.
A large storm brought high winds, snow and sleet to the East Coast on Wednesday night, leaving several dead in the Midwest and causing tornadoes in the South.