By Sade Spence ( | First Posted: Oct 31, 2015 02:07 PM EDT

Donald Trump went to Mexico or at least a cardboard cutout of the GOP candidate did, and he was not received well.

"Donald Trump has not said nice things about Mexican immigrants. They're bringing drugs. They're rapists. Some I assume are good people," is how the video opens - reiterating the comments Trump made previously regarding Mexican immigrants coming to America.

"So we took Donald to Mexico City to see what students think about him," reads the video as a cardboard cutout is loaded into a car and makes his way to the capital of Mexico.

Many of the students greet the cardboard cutout as it were the real thing. However, once salutations are through, they give him a piece of their mind - in the most eloquent way possible.

The first student tells Trump he belies in America, but "What I cant believe is in that country there are people like you who aren't capable of seeing that if people go to your country its in search of opportunities, not in search of committing the same destruction that they themselves are suffering in the places they leave."

What an opener.

Followed by another student who calls out the New York native for his "racist" behavior. "Your main proposal isn't restoring the economy, it's not taking care of the problems that people have in your country. It's racism. It's discrimination."

While another student out his lavish lifestyle into perspective from those who are immigrants and work for him

"Now that I have you in front of me, even though it's a piece of cardboard... you and your entire class that has exploited the labor of North American and Mexican workers, who you insulted in crass detail - even still they're the people that feed you and give you your wealth.

The eye-opening video has been posted to Facebook by AJ+ (AJ Plus), known as Al Jazeera's Media Network, uploaded the video ahead of the GOP debate.

The video has been viewed over 490,000 times since then. Recently polls reveal that Ben Carson has edged a few points about Trump, although he has been the GOP frontrunner since July.

Despite, holding the top spot in the GOP race for so long, many experts believe it will be impossible for Trump to become President without the Latino vote.

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