There are speculations that the Samsung Galaxy S7 will release soon, featuring a new Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. The upgraded chipset will hopefully resolve the issues that users had with the Snapdragon 810.
The Korean website Dreamx reported that tests on the Snapdragon 820 have been very thorough, since Samsung intends to resolve the overheating issues that the Snapdragon 810 had. The 820 seemed to have been approved to be featured in the Samsung Galaxy S7 models for a number of markets abroad. This could mean that the processor has gone through the stringent testing process with very good results.
Breathecast reported that there is a possibility that the Samsung Galaxy S7 might release early in 2016. Insiders shared that Samsung is planning to include several powerful specifications and features to ensure that they come up with a better smartphone than their rival Apple when the latter releases the iPhone 7.
Aside from the rumored 820 chipset, the Galaxy S7 will most likely have a 4GB RAM, a storage capacity of 128GB or higher, a 4K 5.5-inch AMOLED display, and a 30-megapixel camera. The body may also be waterproof and the device is rumored to include an infrared sensor that can measure the user’s body temperature, based on the same Breathecast report. There are also talks that the new device might run on a 64-bit Exynos processor. The most interesting rumor is how the Samsung Galaxy S7 might include a holographic display.
Android Geeks wrote that Samsung used both Snapdragon and Exynos chipsets on its flagship devices until the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. The Snapdragon-powered models were usually reserved for the United States market because of the integrated LTE modem. In 2015, however, the company exclusively used Exynos chips on its flagship devices. The company reportedly will start shipping Exynos chipsets with integrated LTE modem, which may indicate that Qualcomm chips will no longer used for devices in the remainder of the year because of the associated issues that came out with the Snapdragon 810. If the Snapdragon 820 successfully addressed all the issues that appeared in the 810, the Galaxy S7 may feature the new processor.
The Snapdragon SoC is said to feature Qualcomm’s custom “Hydra” cores, LTE Cat.10 connectivity and an Adreno 530 GPU. It will be made on a 14nm FinFET process, just like the Exynos 7420. Previously, there were rumors that Samsung is testing the Galaxy S7, which is codenamed “Jungfrau”, with the MSM 8996 Snapdragon 820 chipset.
More news and updates on the Galaxy S7 are expected in the following weeks.
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