“Lego Dimensions” recently expanded by featuring 14 new free-roam adventure worlds. “Ghostbusters” is the latest addition to the available Fun Packs.
Tech Times reported that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announced at GamesCom 2015 unveiled new content and figures for its upcoming game “Lego Dimensions”.There will be a fifth Level Pack based on “Ghostbusters”. The Pack will include a Peter Venkman playable Minifigure, ECTO-1 and a ghost trap. The Pack will also have the add-on game level. A couple more Fun Packs were also introduced for “Ghostbusters”. There will be a Pack for Slimer and another for Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. The Slimer pack will include a Slimer Shooter weapon while the Stay Puft Pack will have a Terror Dog.
Based on the same Tech Times report, Lego Dimensions will also be featuring a secondary game mode called Adventure Worlds. There will be 14 Adventure Worlds available for players, similar to the 14 worlds in the story campaign, complete with puzzles, races and other challenge. The environments will be fully open-world so players can explore and have fun in any manner they prefer. They may also be exploring different regions of a particular world.The worlds may include significantly different parts of a franchise, such as a portion of Springfield in “The Simpsons” Pack or Mordor in the “Lord of the Rings” Pack.
Accessing an Adventure World will require a Minifigure character belonging to that specific world. Players who already have the Starter Pack and all five Level Packs will instantly have access to the respective Adventure Worlds. The last six Adventure Worlds can be unlocked by purchasing a pack that feature a character coming from each world. Only one Minifigure is necessary to unlock one World, so those who have more than one belonging to a specific world can use any to unlock. Forbes wrote that the “Ghostbusters” theme pack may be the last piece in “Lego Dimensions”.
“Lego Dimensions” is set to launch on Sept. 27, 2015 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Wii U. Game Spot revealed that purchasing the level pack will provide access to a new level in the game. The price was not announced but a Portal level pack costs $30, so players can expect others to cost somewhere near that figure. The starter pack costs $100, based on the same Game Spot report. More news and updates about the game and Minifigures are expected in the following weeks.
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