By Michael Oleaga / ( | First Posted: Oct 02, 2013 07:45 PM EDT

Despite the release of iOS 7, Apple's the mobile operating system market share saw a drop in recently released statistics.

According to NetMarketShare, Apple was able to maintain first place as the most utilized mobile operating system, but at the price of losing 1.23 percent from August to September.

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For August 2013, Apple iOS accounted for 54.91 percent of the mobile operating system market share and finished September with 53.68 percent.

Google's Android mobile platform once again kept second place, but unlike Apple, it saw a minor gain. Android increased its share from 28.12 percent to 29.42 percent.

Java ME also maintained its third place position in September's figures by NetMarketShare. Java ME finished September with 7.31 percent, which is down from 8.43 percent during August.

Symbian saw an increase, and it was enough to boost the mobile platform to fourth place from fifth. Symbian previously garnered 3.26 percent in August, but it went up to 4.48 percent in September. Symbian's increase led to BlackBerry falling to fifth place with 3.26 percent, which is a loss of 0.02 percent from August's figures.

Microsoft's Windows Phone maintained sixth place position as it lost 0.05 percent. Windows Phone's market share went from 0.97 percent in August to 0.92 percent for September.

The last mobile platform NetMarketShare accounted for was Kindle, which encountered a loss, finishing September with 0.74 percent.

To collect its data, NetMarketShare gathers its info from site visitors using its on-demand network of HitsLinkAnalytics and SharePost clients. The two networks include over 40,000 worldwide websites with approximately 160 million unique visits per month.


For the latest updates, follow Latinos Post's Michael Oleaga on Twitter: @EditorMikeO

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