By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Sep 26, 2013 05:42 AM EDT

A doctor and an abortionist made millions of dollars doing his job - which he refers to as saving abies.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell has been convicted of three counts of murder, one count of involuntary manslaughter and more than 200 counts of violating Pennsylvania's Abortion Control Act, reports Viral Nova. Dr. Gosnell admits to performing about four to five abortions every week at the Women's Medical Center in West Philadelphia.

According to the report, the medical facility has ran uninspected for years. Gosnell practiced for 17 years without having the facility inspected by authorities. In a year, his estimated salary coming from performing illegal abortions amounts to $1.8 million with roughly $10,000 to $15,000 in profits for one night.

Amid all the allegations and charges filed against him, Dr. Gosnell still believes that what he did was "for the best of his community." He even wrote a poem in his jail cell as follows:

"Abortion providers
are labeled killers!
Horrendous, exploitive
barbaric, inhumane
not physicians, oathed to heal
lest we forget,
what chance have those?
Those without the support
of their parents
their families
their communities
their societies ...
so many
without sufficient support
stumble into drugs
into crime
into mental illness
into institutions ... and ...
languish in jails ..."