Following the ban of Target and Kmart on "Grand Theft Auto V" in Australia, gamers have signed a satirical petition asking the retailers to ban the bible too, allegedly for also graphically depicting violence against women.
In Australia, Grand Theft Auto V will no longer be offered for sale at Target and Kmart.
In addition to price cuts on gaming consoles, huge discounts on video games will also be aplenty come the big Black Friday retail sale. But Amazon, the online store, has started offering its own video game discounts, starting November on it's so-called "Countdown to Black Friday" deals.
Not to be outdone with the early promotional ads of several major U.S. retailers for the big Black Friday retail sale on November 27, Sears and sister store, Kmart, have jumped on the bandwagon, too.
One week after its official release date, Apple Pay is already encountering rough sailing as a number of US retailers have disabled NFC readers in their stores thus effectively blocking Apple's mobile payment system as well.