donald trump presidential run
Latino demonstrators were dragged and kicked while the presidential candidate continues his speech.
The Republican front-runner proposes simplifying the federal tax system to four brackets, including one that eliminates income taxes on people who make $25,000 or less annually.
Someone needed to tell these guys, this paper mache Trump was not the real thing. Donald Trump piñatas were the most important accessory this year at Mexican Independence Day celebrations around the country.
Fox News anchors who previously defended Donald Trump denounced tweets made about Megyn Kelly, one which called her a "bimbo."
They may not agree with him, but Republican presidential candidates must tread lightly drawing Donald Trump's supporters, especially when speaking about illegal immigration.
Comments made about the Fox News anchor as just the lastest in numerous degrading remarks Trump has made about women.
Trump is set to meet with a local border patrol chapter near the sleepy town of Laredo in a location approximately 10 miles from the border.
Trump called the South Carolina senator a "lightweight" and "idiot" during a rally Tuesday morning before releasing his phone number.
Among the highlights of billionaire Donald Trump's press conference announcing his candidacy for president is his intention to put up a wall along the Mexico border that Mexico would pay for.
Donald Trump is testing the presidential candidacy waters with a exploratory committee.