Comic Books
New Comic to delve into Firelord Zuko's story
You might remember a pretty incredible promotion that digital comics provider ComiXology and Marvel were offering last month. The two partnered up to give away unlimited downloads for over 700 issue #1's for free. Unfortunately, the offer was so popular it promptly crashed their servers, leaving most people sadly comic-less.
Yesterday at SXSW, Marvel revealed what their "Marvel First" campaign actually is. The publisher has officially announced their plan to give away 700 free first issues via Comixology, an online digital comics distributor.
The New York Post confirmed that Batman's latest sidekick, Robin the Boy Wonder, will be killed in a battle against a vicious enemy in a comic book published on Wednesday. The death of the Dark Knight's accomplice will first appear in issue Number. 8 of "Batman Incorporated."
Anyone who’s even remotely interested in comic books has heard the bad news about the last issue of The Amazing Spider-Man, but will Peter Parker stay dead?