By Sade Spence ( | First Posted: Nov 15, 2015 07:38 AM EST

When a homeless a man was kicked off a bus for not wearing shoes, this police officer did the unexpected.

Kenya Joyner, and officer with the Delaware River Port Authority, bought the man a pair of shoes when it appeared he did not have any.

Joyner was flagged over by a bus driver for a disruptive person on the bus because individuals are not allowed to ride without shoes.

Joyner said he asked the man where his shoes were.

"[He] appeared almost embarrassed," Joyner said. "In a low mumble, he said he didn't have any. I asked if he wanted sneakers or boots. He stated he wanted boots."

Joyner then ran over to Payless and purchased the man $50 boots.

Kayla Palmer of Pine Hill, New Jersey, caught part of the exchange on her cell phone. She asked to shake the kind officer's hand while telling him he is going to go viral for his good deed.

"That was nice of you," Palmer said to the officer as she walked towards him. "I wanna shake your hand. You're gonna go viral!"

Joyner laughs it off, saying "Oh, come on."

He apparently did not think this kind deed was all that strange.

"I didn't do anything different than any other officer would do," Joyner said, according to TODAY. "A lot of people don't realize that the action you saw on the video is something very common among police officers."

Palmer told NBC 10 she recorded the event because police officers are often cast in a negative light.

"He needed some recognition," she said. "Because you do see some of those negative stories."

The video has since gone viral, granting Joyner that recognition he definitely deserves, although, he is said to be quite humble and shy by his colleagues.

DRPA's director of communication Kyle Anderson told TODAY "It's a great story and he's a great guy."

"Passengers have been walking up to him and hugging him and congratulating him. He doesn't understand why what he did is a big deal and attracting so much attention," Anderson added.

To top it off, Joyner was also publicly praised by the DRPA's chief executive, John Hanson over Twitter. "I am so proud of this DRPA/PATCO police officer and our entire police department!"

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