By Desiree Salas ( | First Posted: Feb 08, 2015 11:21 PM EST

Barely a month since Colombia's Paulina Vega was crowned Miss Universe, she's been tapped to wear yet another hat, or rather, head gear. This time, however, makeup and sky-high stilettos are not required, as she's been reportedly invited to become a peace negotiator.

"The newly-crowned Miss Universe got an invitation Saturday from Colombia's leftist FARC rebels to attend their peace talks with the government," CNN said. "Rebels took her up on an offer she's made in the past that she's willing to attend the negotiations in Cuba."

The rebels issued the said invitation through a statement on the website of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC.

"We read with interest about your desire to contribute with your good offices to peace and reconciliation of the Colombian people," the statement began.

"We welcome your willingness to travel to Havana and we invite you to materialize your visit to update you about the development of the peace talks, the progress and the enormous contribution that you and the majorities who desire peace can make," the invitation read. "Be assured that we are willing to address your concerns and consider your views a valuable contribution to peace; we are waiting for your confirmation and your contribution."

The Marxist group had been in negotiations since 2012. Although the rebels did not mention how the beauty queen's inclusion in the talks would help the negotiations, it had been confirmed that the talks "have so far reached agreement on three of five agenda points, including land reform, an end to the illegal drugs trade and political participation for ex-guerrillas," NBC News said.

"The talks are crucial to helping end 50 years of fighting between FARC and the government," CNN explained. "Negotiations between the two sides have stalled several times over the years, and the group has been accused of bombings, murder, extortion and kidnappings."

The leftist group had also been accused of drug trafficking over the years, as Colombia is one of the top cocaine producers in the world, raking in about $500 million annually from this illegal activity.

Currenty, the 22-year old business administration student has not yet responded to the invitation. A native or Baranquilla, Colombia, the reigning Miss Universe's triumph had a brush with controversy as audiences at the pageant, which was held at Miami last month, "erupted into boos of disapproval as favourite-to-win Miss Jamaica Kaci Fennell only made it to fifth place," MailOnline said.

Will she accept the invitation? Her response may be issued anytime soon, so keep checking this space for updates.


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