By Desiree Salas ( | First Posted: Jan 29, 2015 06:50 AM EST

Last year, Budweiser endeared us with their mega hit of an ad called "Puppy Love," which was considered last year's top Super Bowl ad. And now, it appears the beer maker has chosen to create what appears to be a sequel to the viral 2014 ad by using the same "best buds" plot involving the iconic Clydesdales horses associated with the brand and that adorable Labrador puppy.

"The 60-second ad, created by ad agency Anomaly, debuted on 'The Today Show' this morning," Forbes reported. "It's the follow up to the 'Puppy Love' commercial that was roundly decreed to have 'won' last year's Super Bowl commercial breaks. This year's tale sees the rambunctious little pup jumping into the back of a horse trailer and getting lost, much to his owner's despair, who stars pinning up 'Lost' posters," the news source went on to say. "The silly puppy finds himself in a spot of bother when he's confronted by a new character to enter the series: A scary looking wolf."

Guess what happened next? Check out the clip below to get the answer!

Judging by the heart-warming nature of this year's ad, it's possible that it could go on to win a second victory in the Super Bowl ad race.

Previously, it was reportedly rumored that Budweiser "was nixing its signature Clydesdales for the big game ad," Time said.

Apparently, the suits at the beer company cleverly decided that using a similar strategy as last year is the way to go, considering the massive success that "Puppy Love" was.

"Eight puppies between 11 and 12.5 weeks old were used in the filming of this ad, directed by RSA's Jake Scott," the news source noted. "The poignant soundtrack is by Sleeping At Last, who offer up an acoustic version of 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles),' originally by the Proclaimers."

Budweiser is not the only one with an adorable canine for a star in its ad. GoDaddy had opted to make a commercial starring a Golden Retriever puppy, MailOnline said. However, it was soon pulled out by the domain company after getting their hands full with protests from animal rights advocates.

"The advert opens with the nine-week-old pooch riding in the back of a truck, as it parodies Budweiser's commercials featuring a dog and its Clydesdale horses," the publication explained. "But instead of enjoying the view, Buddy is thrown from the bed of the truck and he faces a treacherous journey home across train tracks and bridges and through mud and rain."

"Finally, he sees his owners' farm and runs towards them, as they open their arms in joy," the news source went on to say.

However, unfortunately for the pup, his owners were only happy to see him because they've sold him to someone else through a site they made with GoDaddy.

Perhaps the company should take more notes from Budweiser when it comes to making animal-centric ads.


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