Although the controversial graphic tweet posted on the official U.S. Airways account could get someone fired, the airline, through its spokesman Matt Miller, told New York Daily News that the employee responsible for the raunchy tweet will not be fired.
He said, "First and foremost, we apologize. We are in the midst of reviewing our processes but for the most part we have an understanding of what happened and how to ensure how it won't happen in the future. It was an honest mistake. It was in an attempt to flag the tweet as inappropriate. We captured it, flagged it as inappropriate."
The photo inadvertently included, in a corporate response to a customer complaint on Twitter, a photo of a naked woman playing with a toy airplane. The offensive tweet was already flagged as inappropriate by the team that handled the airline's Twitter account when it first showed up on the company's microblogging stream, Daily Mail said.
The U.K. tabloid said that the image might not have been directed to U.S. Airways, as it was attached to a tweet sent to American Airlines, which has a Twitter handle @AmericanAir. It is to note though that both airlines use SNAP100, a social media tool. U.S. Airways later sent out a tweet with the graphic photo, and the rest was history.
Although the name of the U.S. Airways employee was not revealed, Daily Mail noted that a social media manager of the airline was not happy with the online incident. He had some choice words posted on Facebook, which was apparently directed to the erring employee, that read, "Whenever someone says: 'I'm sorry, it's just who I am.' What they really mean is: 'I am a giant a**hole and have no plans of improving myself as a human.'"
E! Online said that the embarrassing PR nightmare can be relatable to any communications department of a company. However, the entertainment news said that it was best for people in this line of field to be extra careful.
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