By Staff Reporter ( | First Posted: Oct 17, 2013 11:31 PM EDT

"Punky Brewster" star Soleil Moon Frye has revealed that she is expecting a baby boy.

The 37-year-old actress made the revelation during an appearance on "The View." While she was being interviewed by co-host Jenny McCarthy, Frye opened a package and revealed two blue shoes inside.

"I'm in a little bit of denial," Frye said according to E Online. "I can't imagine a penis growing inside of me, so I keep saying, 'I think we know, but I'm not sure."

Frye is married with producer Jason Goldberg and is the mother of two girls - five-year-old Jagger Joseph Blue and eight-year-old Poet Sienna Rose. She noted that she never expected her third child to be a boy.

"I was so shocked because I always thought that if you have two of one sex, the statistics are that you'll have a third of the same sex," Frye added. "So I just thought we'd have three girls. My girls still don't completely believe it."

The child is due in February 2014.

Numerous fans responded to the news via Twitter.

‏@GalitBreen : It's a....BOY!  via @moonfryeteam <-- Congrats @moonfrye! I swoon for the 2 girls and 1 boy combo!

@squirrel74wkgn : Soleil Moon Frye is having a baby boy; who CARES!?! Punky Brewster is having a baby boy; AWESOME! She is hot, I still have a locker poster.

@OriginalLeeMays : Soleil Moon Frye is having a baby boy and if she doesn't name it Henry I will blame Obama.

@BillyNilles_Duh : Punky Bewster's got a little dude on the way! Soleil Moon Frye reveals the gender of her third baby:

Frye has directed a number of films including "Wild Horses" and "Sonny Boy." She has starred in such moves as "You Ruined My Life," "The Liars' Club," "Run a Mile in My Shoes," and "Alex in Wonder."

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