Westboro Baptist Church
Surprisingly, Taylor Swift has become the latest star to feel the fury of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church which announced that it plans to picket her concert in Kansas City, Mo this summer, claiming that the singer is a "whore."
Now that Jason Collins has become the first openly gay active NBA player, the Westboro Baptist Church says it plans to protest a couple of NBA Playoff games.
Shortly after the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre, the Westboro Baptist Church posted a tweet announcing its intentions to picket the school "to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment."
Westboro Baptist Church White House Petition Becomes Most Signed Petition, Exceeds Texas Succession Petition
Following the Westboro Baptist Church's (WBC) proclamation that they plan to picket at the funerals for the victims killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, petitions and hackers have gone of the offensive to make sure the WBC stay quiet.
The Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the funeral of the Sandy Hook Elementary School principal today.
The funerals for the victims from Friday's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School could see some unwanted visitors in the form of the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC).