The Knights Templar
Sergio Gómez Martínez, also known as "La Tuta", the supreme leader of the "Knights Templar" cartel and one of Mexico's most wanted criminals, reappeared in the state of Michoacán to offer an exclusive interview for British network Channel 4 News.
Tensions in the state of Michoacán grow, owing to the existing conflict between vigilante groups, the Mexican Army and organized crime groups.
After the violent clashes in recent weeks in the region of Tierra Caliente, in the state of Michoacán in Mexico, between "self-defense" groups, the "Knights Templar" Cartel and the Mexican Army, a new scandal has raised some questions on the actions of the state government.
Mexican Federal forces capture Dionisio Loya Plancarte on Monday, Jan. 27, one of the leaders of the cartel known as "The Knights Templar"
Mexican Federal forces arrested Joaquín Negrete Arriaga, a leader of the criminal group known as The Knights Templar, a few hours before the Mexican Army took control of the region known as Tierra Caliente, in the state of Michoacán.