quantum physics
Quantum computing has been hailed as the next big leap forward in processing power, and a group of University of New South Wales (UNSW) researchers may have just solved one of its fundamental problems.
The speed of light has long been regarded as a fixed constant, something that can help us understand the world around us better, but two new studies may have something new to say about it - that it's not actually constant.
The old saying that "ignorance is bliss" might just hold truer and faster at critical levels than anything else. It seems that while we may have located and codified the mysterious crux of mass - the Higgs boson particle - we may have indirectly elicited our own demise.
Breakthrough in quantum physics could potentially lead to creation of more powerful "super computers"
A new theory says that the universe formed much like water freezing into ice, and would mean that space is not continuous but made up of tiny building blocks.
Instead of using quantum entanglement, researchers have found that using a phenomenon known as quantum discord may yield greater results in quantum computing.