
Ridges on Martian Craters Could Hold Fossilized Water

New research has revealed that ridges on the surface of Mars may be the fossilized remains of a web of water.

'Survivor' on Mars? Company Plans Reality Show about Colonizing Red Planet

The idea of "Survivor" on Mars may not be as farfetched as it sounds. A nonprofit organization aiming to create a reality TV show around its journey to, and subsequent colonization of the Red Planet has attracted its first investors for the bold $6 billion project, according to

Tremendous Mars Lake: Does Evidence of Life Hide Beneath Planet’s Surface?

Is the key to discovering evidence of life on Mars just beneath the surface? A group of planetary geologists believe watery, underground channels beneath a 92km crater on the planet may hold the answer.

Curiosity Rover Combs Scarred Mars Landscape for Proof of Water

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover is now headed towards a region of Gale crater known as Yellowknife Bay, allegedly the home of calcium sulfate which may have been scarred by water flow in the past

NASA's Curiosity Rover Bushes Clean Mars Rock, Finds What Appears To Be White Surface

Using its Dust Removal Tool for the first time, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity discovered that a patch of Mars appears to be a white surface.

Martian Meteorite NWA 7034 First From Mars' Crust; Could Help Explain Water's History On Mars

A Martian meteorite 2.1 billion years old contains more water than any meteorite pre viously found.

Space Radiation May Cause Alzheimer's Disease in Astronauts

Space can be mind-blowing, but is it mind-destroying?

Prolonged Space Travel Accelerates Alzheimer's Disease

A new study shows that prolonged exposure to cosmic radiation could seriously affect an astronaut's cognitive abilities.

NASA Curiosity Snaps Self-Portrait Shot, Re-transmits Back to Earth

Since its launch, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has been capturing a lot of interest around the world.

Mars Curiosity Rover: Driving It Takes A Whole Day's Planning

Researchers have to map out the Curiosity rover's driving route a day in advance.

Mars Rover Opportunity Uncovers Water-Rich Clay Deposits; Curiosity to Drill 'Yellowknife Bay'

The NASA Mars rover Opportunity has uncovered an area full of rich water-formed clay minerals.

NASA's Mars Opportunity Finds Hints of Organic Life in Clay, Lacks Tools to Confirm Discovery

NASA's Opportunity Mars rover may have uncovered signs of organic life on the Red Planet, but lacks the tools to sate scientists' curiosity

Mars Rover Curiosity Findings Revealed: Soil Sample Contains Water, Sulfur But No Definitive Organic Compounds Yet (Video)

In a press conference today, NASA officials released the first results from analysis of soil samples taken by the Mars Curiosity rover.

Mars Rover Curiosity Findings Revealed: Live Streaming, Time of NASA Press Conference Today, Dec. 3, 2012

NASA plans to update the public on the most recent discoveries made by the Mars Curiosity Rover in a press conference at noon EST today.

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