Captain America: Civil War
Captain America 3 names Daniel Bruhl and Frank Grillo as villains in film.
Based on the official Marvel Studios tally and movie lineup until 2019, Iron Man's appearance would total eight. But that is still not counting his cameo role on the rumored "The Incredible Hulk" movie and "Iron Man 4," which is still under negotiations.
The second installment to the Avengers movie will take on a "Civil War" plotline that would give Marvel a global perspective of the fan base of the band of superheroes. Worldwide filming also push the film's global approach.
Robert Downey, Jr. has been in an on-again-off-again mode for "Iron Man 4" though one thing is sure, Marvel will keep Iron Man and Tony Stark busy in the next four years with at least three movies.
Marvel has announced the official title of the third Captain America movie as "Captain America: Civil War." Apart from Chris Evans as Steve Rogers, Robert Downey Jr. will also be playing the part of Tony Stark and Iron Man in the movie in a meaty role.