Breast Cancer
TV journalist talks about testing, difficulty of telling her family
The stars of the YouTube channel "Simple Pickup" were denied the right to donate to a breast cancer charity after their means for raising the money sparked a major outlash.
A new study found that women who stay active after menopause, even if they just walk for an hour a day, reduce their risk of getting breast cancer.
Four Latina artists who survived breast cancer are on the cover of People en Español's October issue, sporting smiles while wearing pink, the emblematic color of the campaign against breast cancer.
Breast cancer diagnoses among younger women in the United Kingdom are on the rise, while survival rates still show signs of increasing---a new study finds.
A new study looks into the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in breast cancer patients.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a new drug, Kadcyla, to treat breast cancer patients.
New research reveals that lung cancer is closing in on breast cancer as the leading cause of death of European women.
A new study reveals that patients with early stage breast cancer have a better chance surviving with lumpectomy procedure than with mastectomies.
A new study says mammograms may actually lead to overdiagnosis of tumors that won’t lead to cancer.