Living with an Alcoholic Partner: Problems Faced & Coping Strategies
Aug 21, 2020 01:29 AM EDT

Alcoholism is a significant health as well as a social problem. The family members of alcoholics suffer from intense physical, mental, and social trauma due to the irregular drinking habits of their family members. This problem even worsens when it comes to an alcoholic spouse. Most often, the wives of alcoholics are deeply affected.
So, if you or someone you know has been living with an alcoholic for any length of time, you'll be well aware of the mood swings and their often-erratic behavior. It brings many challenges with it as well, such as emotional harm, be the victims of domestic abuse or violence, develop severe health problems, and suffer from mental torture.
The consequences can be even worse if you keep on living with an alcoholic person and do not try to change their habit. It can lead to some permanent mental illness, chronic cardiac problems, injuries, and even damage your relationship. Therefore it is imperative to learn how to deal with an alcoholic husband.
This article comprises to section the challenges of living with an alcoholic person and what strategies should be opted to deal with them.
What problems are faced living with an alcoholic partner?
Living with an alcohol addicted person who irregularly drinks brings a number of challenges. A study conducted on the wives of alcoholics showed that the women faced financial, social, emotional, and physical health-related problems. They were also physically tortured quite a few times. After living with an alcoholic partner for a long time, they tend to develop the following problems;
Having anxiety and depression.
Feeling frustrated and displacing this frustration to the children
Ignoring children's need and not paying attention to their own health
Feeling ashamed when around others and mentally disturbed
Having financial difficulties and unable to meet the daily expenses
Being physically harmed and threatened by their partner
Difficulty in sleeping and socializing
What strategies should be opted to deal with an alcoholic husband?
Do not take the blame personally
There are a number of strategies you can opt to help your partner get rid of this habit. But the very first thing is not to take their alcohol abuse personally. Do not think that if you were better able to meet their needs, they probably would never have fallen for this habit. This thinking can be very damaging and will not help you solve the real problem.
Don't create a situation
Try to eradicate all the causes that enable alcohol use. Do not create any situation which results in drinking. Check your actions and behavior, and be sure that you are not the one enabling him. Below are given some enabling behavior that you must try to avoid:
Ignoring the problem and joining in with drinking
Covering the problem and making excuses
Handling all of his responsibilities and do not make him realize what he is missing
Allowing him to miss his schedules and go out with alcoholic friends
Seek professional help
If you are unable to convince your husband not to consume too much alcohol, it's time to seek professional assistance. You can take him to some rehab center, or some spiritual or emotional leaders to help him understand how he is ruining his life and the persons associated with him.