Students in Stacie Halas' middle-school science class uncovered their teacher's erotic past-that she was once a porn star known as Tiffany Six.
Halas,32, was fired from Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard, Calif. after online videos from her pornography days began to surface and were discovered by students and teachers.
The former porn star submitted an appeal to reclaim her teaching position at the school but it was denied after a unanimous ruling from a three-judge commission, according to ABC News.
Halas' lawyer Richard Schwab said that she wanted to send an important message aside from getting her job back.
"We were hoping we could show you could overcome the past," Schwab said. "I think she's representative of a lot of people who may have a past that may not involve anything illegal or anything that hurts anybody."
But Judge Julie Cabos-Owen released a 46-page decision explaining why Halas' previous alias Tiffany Six will never be absolved.
"Although her pornography career has concluded, the ongoing availability of her pornographic materials on the Internet will continue to impede her from being an effective teacher and respected colleague," a portion of the statement read.
And her colleagues did not seem to want to let Halas escape her past.
After Tiffany Six's videos began to surface, teachers proceeded to show the incriminating evidence to school administrators on their smartphones because porn sites are blocked from the computers in the building, according to ABC News.
That is when rumors started to fly and there was reportedly an incident where profanity was inscribed on Halas' classroom window, said a teacher who testified.
Schwab said that Halas was never involved in the porn industry while being a teacher and stated that she only acted for 8 months between 2005 and 2006 because of financial woes.
The district superintendent Jeff Chancer agreed with the ruling.
"Halas' past was "incompatible with her responsibilities as a role model for students," he said in a statement.
VIDEO Report
See a TV report on Halas from KTLA 5