Based on Chinese astrology, the Year of the Red Fire Monkey will commence on Feb. 8, 2016. Here are some details to determine how lucky you can be throughout the year.
International Business Times wrote that the Year of the Red Fire Monkey will run from Feb. 8, 2016 to Jan. 27, 2017. It will be a good time to make some changes in your life, according to astrologer and Feng Shui expert Susan Levitt. The monkey has a lot of energy in the coming year so people can experience huge success and minimal risks due to the rewards. However, people should also be cautious about certain individuals. There may be some unscrupulous people who will take advantage of those who trust easily.
“As soon as you realize that a path is not fruitful, try a new one instead of staying stuck and trying to analyze the past,” Levitt wrote on her website.
Fire is the element of 2016, so there will be a lot of passion, creativity and happiness for many. However, people are also cautioned not to take too many risks or they might suffer consequences. Red is the lucky color of the year. Other lucky tones include vermillion, white, gold and light blue. West is the lucky direction. Those traveling to the west might discover some opportunities.
The 2016 lucky charm is the Pixiu or Bixie, which is a lion-like mythical Chinese creature with wings. The powerful animal is believed to drive away evil spirts and provide protection, particularly to Feng Shui practitioners. People can also wear rings, bracelets and necklaces with a monkey sign and a jade, tiger’s eye, garnet, rose quartz, amber, citrine or aquamarine for good luck.
The lucky periods in 2016 will be from 7 to 11 a.m., 3 to 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. The lucky numbers are 4, 6 and 9. Since the monkey is the ninth sign, 9 will be a special number for the year. The lucky flowers are crepe myrtle and chrysanthemum, based on the same report by International Business Times.
China Highlights wrote that the 14th and 28th day of any Chinese lunar calendar month are lucky. People may be especially fortunate in the 8th and 12th Chinese lunar months.
As for bad luck, China Highlights stated that red and pink are unlucky colors. The unlucky directions are south and southeast. The unlucky numbers are 2 and 7, while the unlucky months are the 7th and 11th Chinese lunar months.
SunSigns wrote that people born in the year of the monkey are said to have good luck in their career and love life.