By Ellliedurand ( | First Posted: Nov 06, 2015 09:18 AM EST

Paraguay has one of the most inaccessible education systems in Latin America. Many kids that live in poverty conditions have to drop school and work to help their families.

However this wasn't an obstacle for Roberto RĂ­os, a 20-year-old. Almost a year ago, a photo of him taken by his boss went viral. The photo showed Roberto studying during break time.

Robert works half day at the construction site and the other half he attends school. He works to contribute to his family income and had posponed school for two years. His dream was to finish secondary school to achieve his dream of becoming an architect.

His boss described him as very driven young man, he also said that since he started he has worked hard to gain more experience and more responsabilities. The boss added that Roberto has always been a fighter.

The photo turned into a viral phenomenon and started a debate regarding education in Paraguay. It also turned Roberto to a symbol of determination and hope. But he never thought that this virality would help him fulfill his biggest dream.

A paraguayan philantropist that lives in the USA and who wanted to remain anonymous, offered to pay his college tuition in order to fulfill his dreams.

Roberto is currently in his first year of studies in architecture.The power of social media has helped him to reach his goal and show that when you have the desire to learn, nothing is impossible.

Via Upscl