UPDATE 2:20 p.m. EST -- Pepsi Perfect is availabe for purchase on eBay with various online sellers using both the auction and buy-it now options. Prices are ranging from as low as $52.00 to $5,500. Buyers be wary of any scams.
Looks like Pepsi's "Back to the Future" campaign was far from perfect. Fans of the legendary futuristic film were expecting to have the chance to order one of the 6,500 bottles of Pepsi Perfect available for purchase on "Back to the Future" day also known as today. Oct. 21, 2015 is the date in which Marty McFly played by Michael J. Fox arrived in the future.
However many fans upon rushing to retailers via the internet found they could not purchase the item which promised 16.9 ounces of carbonated perfection for $20.15.
PepsiCo.com advised the drink would be available for purchase Oct. 21. Retail websites, on the other hand, were apparently sold out super early.
Pepsi released this statement via Twitter, "As promised, our limited edition bottles of ‪#PepsiPerfect went on sale this ‪#BTTF morning! It sold out faster than we can say 1.21 Gigawatts."
As LatinosPost.com reported earlier, both Amazon and Wal-Mart did not seem to be carrying the item as of 1:29 a.m. EST, which has fans up-in-arms. At 2 a.m. EST Pepsi Perfect appeared on both websites as "unavailable" for sale, which usually means it has not been made for available for purchase as yet. Both sites have since been updated to read "sold out." With only 6,500 for purchase one has to agree the possibility of purchasing a bottle seems slim to none, but many fans were disgruntled by the fact that it seemed they did not have a fighting chance at acquiring the futuristic drink. Many of which have since hit the internet to sound off on their experiences.
@mmflood "‪@pepsi you guys better fix your big failure with ‪#PepsiPerfect you guys failed really bad. Fix it ‪#BackToTheFuture ‪#BTTF2015"
@ktb53 "‪@pepsi where is my ‪#pepsiperfect? You had one job today Pepsi."
@themourningsun "‪@pepsi ...how come ‪#PepsiPerfect didn't show up when I searched for it on ‪https://Walmart.com or ‪https://Amazon.com at 8am-now?!"
Others derided Pepsi for its "imperfect" campaign.
@AlanBryan "‪@Pepsi - Clearly you didn't think this through. You should be selling unlimited ‪#PepsiPerfect today with the money going to ‪@MichaelJFoxOrg"
@interpol100 "‪@pepsi In true 80's fashion, you pulled a "New Coke" with the amount of bad PR your getting. ‪#PepsiPerfect ‪#drinkcoke"
Some begged others to share in their Pepsi Perfect glory.
@TomMcFly "to anyone that gets one of those bottles of PEPSI Perfect, I hate you. Can I be your best friend?"
While a few admitted they were able to get their hands on the liquid gold, like @theotherdude.
"‪@pepsi ‪#pepsiperfect I got mine, I don't work for Pepsi or Amazon, nor do I own a time machine"
For those fans whose main aim was to experience just a small bit of the film, there is the option of taking a ride in the infamous whip from the film. Lyft and Verizon have banded together to offer users of the ride-sharing service a ride in the DeLorean DMC-12 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in New York City - just use the Marty McFly mode on the phone application.
At this time Pepsi has not made any new comments on releasing more Pepsi Perfect bottles.