Looking for Halloween party ideas to scare the pants of your guests off with? Here are 10 ingenious yet genuinely goosebump-inducing decorations that you can pull off easily for this year's scare affair.
Wire Ghost
Using chicken wire or the kind of wire screen material that you would use around your home, unroll the wire, and create an upright human silhouette or shape out of it. Let it stand on a strategic part of your backyard or lawn, shaping it so that its shape looks approximately human, as shown in these photos. It would be great if it will be visible through windows from the inside of your house or place it among shrubs or other tallish greenery. The result would make the wire ghost look like a legit, ghostly spectre that may get a scare out of your guests especially when you ask them to look out the window in mock horror.
Bloody Streaks and Prints
With red poster paint, or some other water-based, easy-to-remove type of paint, make handprints on your windows, kitchen area, bathroom, hand towels, mirrors, vases, and other parts of your place that makes it easy to wipe off the stain easily afterwards. You can apply the paint in a way that makes the result appear like drops or streaks of blood.
Roach Under Lamps
Just cut out roach or bug shapes (or use rubber toy versions) and stick it on the underside of lampshades to create those realistic shadows that give the impression there's a real creepy crawler(s) in the house.
Soap Fingers
You can put soap sticks carved to look like a dead man's fingers in strategic places.
Hands in Water
You can also get fake hands and immerse them in a fountain, pool, or a basin of murky water so that the digits look like they're coming out to grab you.
Floaty Spirits
You can get foam mannequin heads and cover them in cheesecloth, making sure you glue them on so they won't slip off. Hang these from the ceiling and get a fan going on low so the cloth waves about, giving that floaty illusion.
Dummy Corpse
Get an inflatable human doll or a mannequin and dress it in clothes with minimal wear and tear. You may need to stuff the dummy with a bit more fabric or filling material so it looks more human-like. Lay it halfway through the doorway of a room of your house or even across your front lawn. See if someone will try and check it for pulse.
Internal Cooling
Take a beer cooler, lay a mass of rubbery stuff covered with reddish slime on it, and you got a cooler full of innards to make your guests retch - an idea suggested by The Frisky.
Ghostly Projections
Consider using a DVD of scary scenes or characters and use a projector or big TV screen to make it seem like these things of horror are moving along your walls.
Fog Machine
And if you complete your set with fog, you're set for a night of eerie, hair-raising fun.