Three more characters have been added to "Heroes of the Storm," Blizzard has announced according to a report from PC Gamer.
These three new heroes are Kharazim, Rexxar and Artanis. Each of these heroes comes from various franchises all under Blizzard, the report added.
In an issued statement published in PC Gamer, Blizzard said, "He's [Kharazim] a mobile melee Hero who can specialize in different paths by choosing one of three traits via his talents." Blizzard added that this character can also select Iron Fists to gain bonus attack damage or Insight to "restore mana" and attain a balance between defensive and offensive roles.
Meanwhile, Rexxar, was described by Blizzard as "the legendary half-Orc, half-Ogre Beastmaster" known to keep his loyal bear named Misha. The bear would follow Rexxar on the battlefield, helping him by absorbing damage or stunning the opponents.
The third character, Artanis, was described as the leader of the Protoss. While his specific powers were not revealed yet, this character would have "some heavy hitting abilities," as revealed by PC Gamer.
Arstechnica said Blizzard gained much strength for the past two decades in the business. Its ability to move into a new genre called "MOBA" was something worth noting. The site added that Blizzard had been able to offer accessible and easy-to-navigate interfaces for its games, ensuring that players would enjoy each game they play.
Arstechnica explained that MOBA was one genre of gaming that was hard to break into, which meant that Blizzard Entertainment was brave enough to enter it. This made the introduction of "Heroes of the Storm" appear like an unstoppable force that became a hit among PC gamers. The website described the game as something that would allow you to be in control of a hero then enable you to match with the heroes with various skills.
According to Blizzard's official website, game director, Dustin Browder, and lead producer, KaƩo Milker, explained at the live-streamed show in Gamescom the details of the other improvements. These include the Dynamic Bundles that would allow users to avail of reduced rates based on what they already own. A number of changes for Ranked Play would also be available, which made gamers more excited about playing "Heroes of the Storm."
More changes are expected to happen following the announcement of its makers on Friday.