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ABC Continuity Forum 2012: Social Entrepreneurs Tackle Education In The Americas (Storify)
Nicole Rojas | n.rojas@latinospost.com
) | First Posted: Nov 13, 2012 11:37 PM EST
[<a href="https://storify.com/nrojas0131/abc-continuity-forum-2012-day-2" mce_href="https://storify.com/nrojas0131/abc-continuity-forum-2012-day-2" target="_blank">View the story "ABC Continuity Forum 2012- Day 2" on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>ABC Continuity Forum 2012- Day 2</h1> <h2>The ABC Continuity Forum kicked off for the second day in Miami, Florida on Nov 13.</h2> <p>Storified by Nicole Rojas · Tue, Nov 13 2012 19:47:21</p> <div>The conference, which aims to promote social entrepreneurship, focused on the issue of education on Tuesday. Special speakers for the day included Jared Cohen, Cesar Conde, Roland Fryer, Emmanuel Jal and Jeb Bush.</div> <div>Looking forward to day 2 at @abc_foundation forum. Follow conversation with #abcforum https://kng.ht/Zu952M #socinn #socentKnight Foundation</div> <div>Second day in #miami for the #abcforum. In 10 minutes @jaredCohen and 5 more #socialenterpreneurs will talkSource International</div> <div>good morning at the #abcforum join us to meet the region's leading social entrepreneurs @abc_foundation @MiamiHerald @knightfdnAshoka United States</div> <div>.@matthaggman kicks off #abcforum: We're making #Miami a place where ideas are built, this forum brings us together https://kng.ht/Zu952MKnight Foundation</div> <div>At the #abcforum @matthaggman Miami Program Director @knightfdn presents @angelicafuentes' welcome message to the audienceabc* Foundation</div> <div>40% of the social entrepreneurs presenting their initiatives at the #abcforum are womenabc* Foundation</div> <div>Jared Cohen, the former advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was the first speaker of Day 2. Cohen, who has done research throughout the Middle East and Africa, is also the author of two books "Children of Jihad" and "One Hundred Days of Silence." </div> <div>On stage now, @JaredCohen Former Advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Author #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>#abcforum starts off day 2 with @jaredcohen, talking about preparing for the futureStephenKeppel</div> <div>@JaredCohen talking about the intersection of technology and foreign policy #abcforum @knightfdn @abc_foundationNacho González</div> <div>5.1B people on earth own mobile devices #abcforum. # of SMS sent every day exceeds # of people on earth says @JaredCohen v @abc_foundationElizabeth R. Miller</div> <div>"You have more than 24 hours of content uploaded to @YouTube every single minute" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Technology is a double edge sword" @JaredCohen - power shifts at the intersection between technology and international relations #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"We are going to see thought control technology that will transform the lives of people with disabilities" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>We will see entire new waves of secondary markets create by technology. @jaredcohen #abcforumCris Hermida</div> <div>"The technology already exists to allow you to watch the next olympics holographically from your own living room." @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Technology of our future already exists its just a matter of commercializing it. @jaredcohen #abcforum https://pic.twitter.com/3egM2KFtCris Hermida</div> <div>"We learned from the Arab Spring that technology speeds up revolutions." @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Revolutions that used to emerge in private will not emerge in public" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"For a lot of urban sectors, virtual development is actually happening faster than physical development" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Technology has allowed women to have virtual confidence to fight against regimes and organize online" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Thinking you can't do anything about global warming? Think again - the inspiring story of Jonny Cohen https://ow.ly/feomn #abcforumAshoka United States</div> <div>"Training people in grassroots democracy is going to require people to have marketing background as well" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Now we become a public figure first and then over time maybe you develop into a leadership position" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Listening to @JaredCohen break down the future of real-life revolution in a digital world. Easier to start, harder to finish. #ABCForumDerrick N Ashong</div> <div>Now public figures are born before leaders, as opposed to the past where a leader became a public figure. due to tech shifts #abcforumThe Sonj</div> <div>"With more technology comes greater expectations. Higher demands. People expect things to happen faster. @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>#abcforum who will lead us next? / public figures then leaders / networks not institutionsCaroline MacDonald</div> <div>"We shouldn't assume that because a single regime is overthrown that it is automatically going to become a democracy" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>If you dont know how to let the World know about it, is meaningless @JaredCohen #abcforumFelipe Covelli</div> <div>#abcforum "future dictators' biggest dilemma is going to be trying to figure out what's noise and what they need to react to" @JaredCohenabc* Foundation</div> <div>We are more vulnerable by virtue of how connected we are. @jaredcohen #abcforumCris Hermida</div> <div>Future of terrorism: "by being connected terrorists of the future will find that there is much more room for error" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Google Ideas' jaredcohen goes into the role of global technology in 'terrorism' and revolution #abcforum https://instagr.am/p/R-Ti_NsSG6/Rozan Ahmed</div> <div>Todos los paises filtran internet @jaredcohen en #abcforumLucía Dammert</div> <div>States of the future will have two state/foreign policies. One for tech, one for infrastructure. #abcforum @jaredcohenThe Sonj</div> <div>"States will have two types of laws: physical world and virtual world laws, they might not necessarily be the same" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Who we are online is a definition of who we are. Period." - @jaredcohen #abcforumRozan Ahmed</div> <div>Yes - "At the end of the day, technology is just a tool. It needs humans to operate it." - @JaredCohen #ABCForumElizabeth R. Miller</div> <div>"There are things that computers are good at and there are good things that people are good at." @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"At the end of the day, human challenges will still need humans to tackle them." @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"The nature of who can be an activist is drastically changing. Revolutions are easier to start but harder to finish." @jaredcohen #ABCForumAntonio M. Brito</div> <div>Technology is still just a tool and we still need humans to step up and use these tools to create a change @jaredcohen #abcforumAshoka United States</div> <div>Solving the futures' need for power to give all these new web users "juice" will be one of the biggest markets of the next decade. #abcforumThe Sonj</div> <div>"China is going to have a major challenge in that they are going to go from a minority to majority population online" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"The ability of cities around the world to interact with each other online is going to be groundbreaking." @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"We have to distinguish between cyber terorrism and cyber criminality" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"In the future young kids are going to live lives online that their physical maturity will allow them to" @JaredCohen #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Powerful and interesting talk by Jared Cohen. 5 billion new Internet users in next 5 years. #abcforum @jaredcohen https://pic.twitter.com/s63M854CCuresWithinReach</div> <div>"Parents will have to talk abt online safety and privacy before giving the talk abt safe sex to their kids"~J.Cohen #abcforumChristina</div> <div>The first batch of social entrepreneurs went up after Cohen. The group included: Francesco Piazzesi Tommasi (¡Echale! A Tu Casa), Gisela Solymos (Center for Nutritional Recovering and Education), Edgar Cahn (Timebanks USA), Daphne Nederhorst (Sawa World) and Daniel Miguez (Mabb, SA). Each entrepreneur was given six minutes to show a video and give a short speech. At the end of their presentations, they were asked to give the audience one question they'd like to discuss with them. After all the presentations were done, the entrepreneurs were able to talk to audience members about their different organizations. </div> <div>You will see social entrepreneurs with solutions moving the world- Camilo Galviz #abcforum @abc_foundationAshoka United States</div> <div>6m people in MX live In houses made of trash. Very interesting entrepreneurial philanthropic effort from #abcforumThe Sonj</div> <div>30 millones de mexicanos viven en pisos de tierra y sin servicios. #abcforumAlberto Ciurana</div> <div>5 #socent presenters now on stage at #abcforum. Check out who they are & what they do: https://kng.ht/X3p7U3 via @abc_foundation #socinnKnight Foundation</div> <div>Fellow Francesco working with communities to provide an opportunity of owning a home and changing their lives #abcforum @_echaleAshoka United States</div> <div>"The quality of human existence is the ultimate measure of progress" #abcforum #realtalkThe Sonj</div> <div>Gysela Solymos Ashoka Fellow fighting Malnutrition in South America taking the stage at #abcforumAshoka United States</div> <div>"We build family homes for the families and by the families. Saving is the key element of prosperity" @_echale #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"We have created an economic system that destroys and undermines everything we do." Professor Edgar Cahn, @TimeBanksUSA #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>we cannot outsource being human - professor edgar cahn @abc_foundation #abcforumjonathan carmenate</div> <div>@timebank gave a great speech at #abcforum - are we a community to make money off one another? Or one to work together collaboratively?The Sonj</div> <div>@TimeBanksUSA Dr. Edgar Kahn developed an open sourced software to create a sound currency for our collaborative actions #abcforumAshoka United States</div> <div>fellow Daphne sharing local solutions to solve poverty through young reporters using traditional media @AshokaCanada @SawaWorld #abcforumAshoka United States</div> <div>Daphne Nederhorst invites the audience to connect with her about strategic relations to help Haiti #abcforum... https://fb.me/25z9B0c4Vabc* Foundation</div> <div>#philanthropicbusiness - mabb - 90mm toothless in MX, < 1% have dental implants. Solution - implants at $1usd/tooth. #abcforum #realchangeThe Sonj</div> <div>Now on stage at #abcforum @danomiguez presenting MABB - The first Latin American start-up to develop the... https://fb.me/2gbtwCvnhabc* Foundation</div> <div>The second "anchor" speaker to speak was Univision's Cesar Conde. Conde, the president of Univision Networks, was appointed to be a White House fellow during President George W. Bush's administration in 2002. He not only discussed his network's corporate social responsibility projects in the past but also announced a new initiative, TeletonUSA in December. </div> <div>looking forward to cesar conde's words on corporate social responsibility #abcforum @abc_foundation @CollegeSummitjonathan carmenate</div> <div>Cesar Conde speaking on corporate social responsibility #abcforumFelipe Covelli</div> <div>Cesar Conde hablando sobre responsabilidad social corporativa #abcforum https://lockerz.com/s/261143748Alberto Ciurana</div> <div>Tips on Corporate Social Responsibility - "Don't be everything to everyone - find your niche and 'move the needle' #abcforumThe Sonj</div> <div>.@Univision's Cesar Conde at #abcforum: Secret to success is access to education @abc_foundationStephenKeppel</div> <div>Know your strenghts, and know your weaknesses. @csrconde #abcforumVeronica Noriega</div> <div>Cesar Conde highlights the success of @Univision's @eselmomento campaign #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Sin duda @eselmomento ha sido una exitosa iniciativa de @Univision para servir a la comunidad @csrconde #abcforumAlberto Ciurana</div> <div>"We have seen a 22% increase in matriculation of Latinos into higher education" Cesar Conde @Univision @eselmomento #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"After this election, the country has seen that they have to pay attention to Latinos, certainly in the politically arena" #abcforum Condeabc* Foundation</div> <div>"We believe in empowering the Latino community as much as we can throughout the food chain as much as possible." Cesar Conde #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>El TeletonUSA por @Univision dic 14 y 15 @csrconde #abcforumAlberto Ciurana</div> <div>"We believe that as part of our portfolio is extremely important to have an English content channel" Cesar Conde #abcforum @UnivisonNewsabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Social media is revolutionizing the way news are consumed. A real time newsroom" Cesar Conde @Univision #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Cesar Conde: Hispanics were a key component of this presidential elections #abcforum #univision #hispanics @cuellitocCris Hermida</div> <div>Univision's @csrconde on @UnivisionNews and @ABC: "As the influence of Hispanics grow, there's more interest by Non-Hispanics #abcforumBoris Gartner</div> <div>Cesar Conde: it is no longer a luxury but an imperative for politicians to address the Hispanic community #abcforum #univision @cuellitocCris Hermida</div> <div>"Hispanics made up 10% of the electorate in the 2012 elections. The first time this has happened." @matthaggman #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"We certainly hope to host a Presidential debate in the future" #abcforum Cesar Conde @Univisonabc* Foundation</div> <div>Media plays a big part in the communities... Lets be wise on how to use the information we have to improve. #abcforumCami Tech Corp</div> <div>it's my vision for college graduation to be in the DNA of my people - @cesarconde @abc_foundation #abcforum @CollegeSummitjonathan carmenate</div> <div>it's my vision for college degrees to be in every latino household in the USA - @cesarconde @abc_foundation #abcforum @CollegeSummitjonathan carmenate</div> <div>Ashoka speaker Lorena Garcia then gave a brief presentation on her organization's work. </div> <div>Up next at #abcforum @ashokaus presentation by @lorenagduran #SocEntStephenKeppel</div> <div>Lorena Gracia at #abcforum social entrepreneurs and business entrepreneurs the new mix for a better world.échale a tu casa</div> <div>we are in a rush to change the world today! by investing in social entrepreneurs -Lorena Garcia #abcforum @abc_foundationAshoka United States</div> <div>The day's third speaker was Roland Fryer, Harvard economy professor and collaborator of the book "Freakonomics." Fryer discussed the economic aspects of race in education. </div> <div>Roland Fryer on stage now at the #abcforum talking about education #nomoreexcuses @Harvardabc* Foundation</div> <div>"There is not a city in America in which more than 25% of black kids can write or read at grade level" Roland Fryer #abcforum @Harvardabc* Foundation</div> <div>Our huge educational differences are linked to the zip code you are born into - Roland Fryer, co-author of Freakonomics #abcforumCris Hermida</div> <div>"28% difference in wages bw blacks and Latinos and whites. That 28% difference comes down to how well you did in 8th grade tests" #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>@rolandfryer #abcforum 5 simple ways to fix education: small group learning, use student data, more time in school, pacing learning are 4.CuresWithinReach</div> <div>Roland Fryer at #abcforum: It's going to take folks like you to save kids like me #education #empowermentStephenKeppel</div> <div>@greenshieldsbus' Founder @jonnycohen616 asks Roland Fryer @Harvard about the effective use of time of students in Chicago schools #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Question of the day: How do you educate your most VULNERABLE citizens (as a country)? - R. Fryer #abcforumThe Sonj</div> <div>Powerful and inspiring @rolandfryer fixing early education in the US is the key to close the gap bw white and black/latino wages #abcforumPaula </div> <div>Future of education and technology @khanacademy gets a shout-out by Roland Fryer at the #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Excellent presentation on education reform by harvard professor Roland Fryer at #abcforum https://instagr.am/p/R-0L9Suqve/Michael laas</div> <div>Fantastic Roland Fryer #abcforum on schools: +time, small group tutoring, human capital mgmt, data driven performance mgmt, +expectations.Jorge Camil Starr</div> <div>The second group of social entrepreneurs to present their projects were: Conchy Bretos (Mia Senior Living Solution), Tomás Olivieri (Diagonal Asociación Civil), James O'Leary (Genetic Alliance), Jorge Gronda (Sistema Ser) and Ben Simon (Food Recovery Network). Like the rest of the social entrepreneurs at the conference, these five were all vying for the three spots for ABC Foundation funding. </div> <div>Ashoka Fellow Conchy Bretos with a double return opportunity for investors by improving the health of the elderly at #abcforum @MiamiHeraldAshoka United States</div> <div>Conchy Bretos talks about the "Silver Tsunami" and the work of MIA Senior Living solutions at #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Talking to the ABC fellows at #ABCforum Miami https://pic.twitter.com/verRLrtcEmmanuel JAL</div> <div>Now on stage at #abcforum @FoodRecovery's Ben Simonabc* Foundation</div> <div>Ben Simon @FoodRecovery will be on @CBSNews Sunday Thanksgiving special #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>@FoodRecovery model uses 2 resources wasted at college campuses: food and students-Ben Simon, Ashoka's Youth Venture at #abcForumAshoka United States</div> <div>#Abcforum Right now Food Recovery Network is running only on volunteering and would like investment to take the project to a national NGOabc* Foundation</div> <div>"It's a win-win-win-win situation" @FoodRecovery wants to help counties, farms and colleges reduce their food waste #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>@FoodRecovery helping college students come together to fight waste and feed people- Ben Simon, Ashoka's Youth Venture #abcForumAshoka United States</div> <div>The Real Whiz Kidz: Ben Simon and his @FoodRecovery crew displaying a valiant effort to feed those in need while wasting less. #ABCForumAntonio M. Brito</div> <div>Sudanese singer and former child soldier Emmanuel Jal lead the cultural session of the day. Jal, who was forced to become a child soldier in his war-stricken country, spoke on his mission to promote peace. At the end of his presentation, the artist performed two of his songs and got all of the attendees to dance with him. </div> <div>Next up at the #abcforum a performance and presentation by @EmmanuelJalabc* Foundation</div> <div>At the #abcforum @EmmanuelJAL calls peace! #wewantpeaceabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Social media is a great tool that we can make our world better." @EmmanuelJal #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>We Want Peace â @lualdeng @abc_foundation #abcforum https://instagr.am/p/R--7cDpouk/Fahad/ÙÙد #YOLOFAHAD</div> <div>Right now @EmmanuelJAL talks about war in Africa, suffering as a child, human rights violations and escaping to Ethiopia #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"When u shine light in a dark place, evil decreases" @EmmanuelJAL at #abcforum https://pic.twitter.com/eMwWgTTfvanessa arelle</div> <div>Understanding peace and making a promise for future generations with @emanueljal at #AbcforumPaula </div> <div>Music with some soul and meaning emmanueljam #abcforum #inspiration #change #peace #sudan https://instagr.am/p/R_BwKnPbdt/Ximena Acosta</div> <div>@EmmanuelJAL at #abcforum a modern day prophet of peace with music as a powerful tool. #wewantpeace #soulfoodJorge Camil Starr</div> <div>At the #abcforum @EmmanuelJal got everyone on their feet and dancing signing about #PEACE! via @pinterest https://pinterest.com/pin/77827899782009454/abc* Foundation</div> <div>"Corporations and business need to invest in social responsibility" @EmmanuelJAL #abcforumCrea7ive</div> <div>@EmmanuelJal spreading his story and music to promote #peace. So moving! You are amazing! #abcforumCristina Bichara</div> <div>The third and last batch of social entrepreneurs included: Mariana Baños Reynaud (Fundación Origen), Jose-Pablo Fernandez (Parents Alliance), Salomón Raydán (Fundefir), Bruce Bloom (Cures Within Reach) and Elizabeth Hausler Strand (Build Change). </div> <div>Right now at #abcforum Mariana Baños Founder of Fundacion Origen is a space for women to grow and receive tools... https://fb.me/1lR4HQxIRabc* Foundation</div> <div>7 of 10 women in Mex suffer a type of violence. @Mariana_Banos @FundacionOrigen provide 800# with legal, psyc, +profesional help. #abcforumJorge Camil Starr</div> <div>if there weren't any problems there wouldn't be any social entrepreneurs, that is our hope @Mariana_Banos #abcforum @abc_foundationAshoka United States</div> <div>"Hispanics are everywhere there is a job to do in the United States" Parents Alliance #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Ashoka Fellow Salomon Raydan with his highly efficient financial model at #abcforum @abc_foundationAshoka United States</div> <div>Ashoka Fellow Bruce Bloom -the biggest challenge facing humanity is he catastrophic decease at #abcforum @abc_foundationAshoka United States</div> <div>Final speaker of day 2 was former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Bush, a Republican, spoke on the importance of real immigration reform and the power of social mobility. </div> <div>Another great day at #abcforum! Next, Governor Jeb Bush (@ abc* Foundation's Continuity Forum) https://4sq.com/XCIYbAJuliana Echavarria</div> <div>Jeb Bush set to take the stage at #abcforum as day 2's last speaker.Nicole Rojas</div> <div>Former Governor Jeb Bush giving a speech! #abcforum https://instagr.am/p/R_LL3EqvGg/Cami Tech Corp</div> <div>Jen Bush at the #abcforum https://instagr.am/p/R_LUJVluL2/Crea7ive</div> <div>@JebBush hopes the reintegration and expanded relationship with #LatinAmerica says importance elevates everyday #abcforum @abc_foundationBinsen JGM</div> <div>Jeb Bush at #abcforum we need to elevate the US and Latin America economy in every way.échale a tu casa</div> <div>"To reform our education system we have to change the way we educate all children, particularly low-income children" Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Governor Bush speaking at #abcforum https://pic.twitter.com/9bBx7tX6mario </div> <div>"To me education reform is the great social challenge of our time" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Showing up is about 90% of success in life" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Korean families send their four year old children to Australia to learn English so that they can be more prepared" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"We need to move to an education system where children learn their way until they master the material" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"There should be outrage about our public education system" Gov. Jeb Bush #professors #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"My advocacy to you is that as you go about your business challenge the education system" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"This is a country of immigrants." Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"Immigration has to be part of a sustained economic policy" #jebbush @#abcforumJesus Lara</div> <div>At #abcforum #jebbush "values are what defines us."Jesus Lara</div> <div>Jeb Bush supporting social mobility, education for all and immigration reform, his party should listen and embrace the message #abcforumJuan P. Ortega</div> <div>"It's harder to be a legal citizen of this country than to come in illegally" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>At #abcforum @JebBush speaks about education, diversity and immigration in a tone that should by heard by the #GOP https://pic.twitter.com/zPQqOWH4Leopoldo Martinez</div> <div>"It is mind-boggling to think that a two year solution to children of undocumented immigrants is a sustainable solution" Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>#abcforum "some version of immigration reform has to deal with the dream act in a certain way" #jebbushJesus Lara</div> <div>Reform ICE, create a guest worker program and create a path to citizenship for undocumented workers, says @JebBush at #abcforumDaniel Eilemberg</div> <div>"An option for citizenship for the Dreamers ought to be part of a sustainable immigration solution" Jeb Bush #abcforum #latismabc* Foundation</div> <div>"There are a lot of changes that we can do to the immigration system that can have a sustainable economic impact" Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>A proactive immigration reform is key for a sustained economic growth in the US by Jeb Bush #AbcforumPaula </div> <div>"We should take advantage of our strengths and the fact that we are a nation of immigrants" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>Jeb Bush just cited the Black Knight from #MontyPython in describing how we keep screwing up immigration reform. #loveit #ABCForumDerrick N Ashong</div> <div>Q: "Does the GOP have a demographic problem" @matthaggman A: "Yes" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>"It's important for us to change the tone of our message" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>As an international student in the US, Jeb Bush's views on immigration really hit home.An immigration reform needs to happen. #abcforumChristina</div> <div>Enjoying the great presentations at the #abcforum @EmmanuelJal was great n I was surprised to agree with @jebbushSebastian Henao</div> <div>Gov. Jeb Bush probably the only Republican in the U.S. that REALLY GETS how immigration needs to be changed #abcforum https://pic.twitter.com/W60elOq9Juliana Echavarria</div> <div>"There has to be a path for residency for the 11 million undocumented people in our country" Gov. Jeb Bush #abcforumabc* Foundation</div> <div>@lecumberry: At #abcforum @JebBush said: "The GOP needs to change its views" ... "I had to get this out of my chest"Leopoldo Martinez</div> <div>@JebBush It's been a while since I agree with a republican about immigration, except for the Obama comment #AbcforumPaula </div> <div>#abcforum Jen Bush gave a nicely balanced presentation from his centrist and open Republican viewpoint. He is bright, sincere and engaging.CuresWithinReach</div> <div>Thank you for attending the second day of the #abcforum! See you tomorrow for Jackley, Hughes, Wozniak and another... https://fb.me/BHDEpvzaabc* Foundation</div> <p>