By Myraine Carluen Policarpio ( | First Posted: Jul 19, 2015 08:11 PM EDT

Regaining the 'hour-glass' figure you used to have doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, effort, discipline, and tons of sweat. Does giving birth make you gain weight and have those unwanted flabs? Worry no more, you can always work your way to target your fitness goals. Below are some popular workout routines that you can try even in your own comfort zones.

You can imitate this step-by-step guide to help you get started. Ready yourself and be sure to keep it a habit.

1. Stretching is a must.

Before you commence each workout routine, make sure you've gone through some full-body stretching exercises. You may download and watch those videos to serve as your guide in doing each dynamic stretching activity. These starters allow you to enhance your joints' range of motion, increase flexibility, reduce risks of injuries, and even calm your mind. 

2. Chair Dips Workout

Tone and tighten your arm and leg muscles while you also do some lower back exercises. Being the Miss Skinny that you've always wanted, this routine enables you to burn fats, tone and define muscles, and improve endurance. 

3. Inner Cardio Workouts

Condition yourself with this jumping or skipping rope exercise. This builds your strength, develops elasticity and stamina, burns lots of unwanted calories, and most of all, helps fight cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. 

4. Fat-Burning Abdominal Exercises

Say goodbye to your muffin tops and burn those belly fats through some fat-burning ab crunches. Daily core workouts allow you to eventually make your tummy muscles firm and finally zip up those jeans in no time. 

5. Killer Leg and Butt Exercises

Most, if not all, women want those perfect thighs and sexy, firm butts. Pick some few moves as you do those slimming squats, knee presses, toe reaches, and wall scissors. 

6. Fun Tummy Crunches of a Super Mom

Your being a mother is not an excuse. You can still exercise while performing your mommy duties. Having your little bundle of joy accompany you in your workout sessions can still make you burn calories and lose some pounds.

7. Basic Yoga Poses and Routines: Good Exercise for the Mind

More than aiding you in weight loss management, yoga routines reward you with lots of mind and body health benefits -- better concentration, flexibility, strength, and balanced lifestyle. This is also a good way to relieve stress and obtain optimum peace of mind.

8. Join a Zumba class.

DISCIPLINE is a key. Since you need more motivation, enrolling in a zumba class in your village or community can be a great help. Having such support system with the same goals as yours can surely keep that burning desire up and going.

Take the challenge!

Fellas, try those workout routines to start your 24-week fitness program today. You may also opt to watch this quick video to give it a kick.