By Staff Writer ( | First Posted: Jun 04, 2015 05:58 AM EDT

After the success of the animated film "Big Hero 6", Stan Lee confirmed that a sequel would be coming.

Lee previously shared to Toronto Sun how busy Marvel is with its list of upcoming movies.

"After Ant-Man, we're going to start playing with Doctor Strange, the Black Panther, the Inhumans, and then we have to come back for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Big Hero 6, the Avengers, Captain America," Lee said. "I don't even know how they decide what to do next, because every one of them is so exciting and the public is waiting for them."

Master Herald reported that "Big Hero 7" is already in the planning stage and actual work will commence after the completion of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2". New changes are expected in the upcoming movie, although the general concept of the first film will be maintained. Fans are hoping that the original art style will be preserved, because it was one of the strong points of "Big Hero 6".

Hiro and Baymax are expected to appear in the sequel, dubbed, "Big Hero 7," although there is still no confirmation whether the story will revolve around them. There are rumors that more focus may be placed on a new unknown character. There are talks that Tadashi, Hiro's brother and Baymax's maker, who supposedly died in the first movie, will make a comeback.

This may also be a way to introduce Sunfire, based on a Movie Pilot article. Furthermore, Tadashi is said to return as a villain. Although there are no confirmations yet, many fans already believe the Tadashi story. The second movie is expected to be more dramatic and less lighthearted than "Big Hero 6".

Master Herald wrote that it might help to observe Marvel or Stan Lee's concepts, since these can inspire how the story is going to proceed in the sequel. Fans may also refer to the comic books to determine how the plot may develop. Fans are still speculating who will be performing in "Big Hero 7" and if there would be any major changes in technology during production. There are talks that the movie might release late in 2017, so the technology is also expected to adjust accordingly.

Cinema Blend reported that "Big Hero 6" was produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It was actually the first Disney movie to present Marvel Comics characters. The movie went on to become the highest-grossing animated film of 2014.