Hurricane Sandy may have been the biggest news for the last few days, but one humongous piece of news that has shot out in the entertainment world, on the other hand, was Disney's purchase of Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion dollars.
The purchase gives Disney complete control over Lucasfilm, ILM (a visual effects company), Skywalker Sound, the Indiana Jones Franchise, and the Star Wars Franchise.
More importantly, Disney immediately stated that they will set to work on a new Star Wars film that they plan to release by 2015 with other films in the series to be released every other year.
"For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next," said George Lucas, chairman and CEO of Lucasfilm, in a statement. "It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of filmmakers."
Lucas, the man behind most of the Star Wars Films will stay on as a Creative Consultant while producer Kathleen Kennedy will be the President of Lucasfilm.
The notion of a new Star Wars film has surely created a great deal of buzz around the Internet. Many are thrilled at the notion that Disney, who has successfully brought The Avengers to screen is now in creative control and out of George Lucas' hands. Many Lucas and his constant tinkering with the original films as the cause of the franchise's downward spiral over the last decade. However, the idea of more Star Wars films is equally risky as more bad films could potentially end the franchise forever.
The story treatments for Episodes 7, 8, and 9 will be by Lucas, but the writers an directors will be a new set of people.
Here is what some fans are stating on Twitter.
‪@DarkBunnyTees:We shouldn't be too fearful of this Disney Star Wars thing. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering...
‪@IAmJericho: Awesome to hear George took my advice and sold Lucasfilm to Disney! It ensures the Star Wars legacy will live on always
@deanitsomfg: Muppet Star Wars sounds absolutely boss.
‪@WGladstone: Yes, Disney bought Lucasfilm for 4 bil, but I like to think of it as the world contributing 50 cents each to get Star Wars away from Lucas.
‪@michaelmaycomix: It's not April 1st, is it? Holy cow. Disney buys Lucasfilm, announces new Star Wars film for 2015
‪@Betfairpoker: What hurts most about Disney taking over Lucasfilm is that they'll make good Star Wars films. That's not what Star Wars is about anymore.
‪@arminvanbuuren: It may not be the coolest thing and i agree with most criticism but to be fair, I'm excited about Star Wars 7... It's the child in me...
‪@ThisTim: 2015: The Avengers 2, The Justice League and a brand new Star Wars movie... Oh god.
‪@michaelmaycomix: It's not April 1st, is it? Holy cow. Disney buys Lucasfilm, announces new Star Wars film for 2015
‪@MrFornicator: Now that Disney is involved, I can't wait for the future Star Wars soundtracks filled with Celine Dion songs.
‪@RobboOfficial: I can't believe that Disney paid $4 billion to get Star Wars They're going to be so pissed off when they realise it's on Amazon for £6.99
‪@HylandIan: BREAKING. With Disney buying Star Wars Donald Duck will now have four nephews. Huey, Louie, Dewey and Chewie.
‪@simonpegg: For the record, I have no problem with Disney, I am a huge fan and I'm sure it's actually good news for Star Wars fans. LLAP
‪@robertflorence: Guillermo Del Toro Star Wars please. Thanks.
‪@SoupBowlerChris: Mickey Mouse owns Star Wars. It is now time to eat your cyanide capsule and shoot yourself in the head. See you on the other side.
‪@theprojecttv: I'm pretty upset that Disney might ruin Star Wars. That's George Lucas's job.
‪@KristenDeity: People who are complaining about Disney making a new Star Wars, can I just say... The Avengers. That was made by Disney.
The speculation has already started on what the next film could be about and will likely continue to mount as 2015 draws nearer.