Two additional "Pokémon X and Y" advertisements have made their way to national television as the sixth-generation video games are set to debut in less than two weeks.
The two new advertisements follow the same format as the first, which showed people speaking about dreams they had last night.
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In the new advertisements, the dreams include seeing battles in 3D, battling up in the clouds, new ways to travel, landmarks and more new powers.
What are notable in the three advertisements are the demographics of the people featured, and fans have taken notice.
YouTube comments have poured in about the franchise adding attention to the older Pokémon fans who have either played the original games since 1998 or at some point during a later generation.
"I just noticed there's no young kids in the commercials. Its pretty awesome that they're acknowledging their older fans that have been with the series since the beginning," commented ‪BishtrainerTai16. "Like Charizard at the end, and the return of the old slogan. This game is going to be the Pokémon game of my dreams!"
Full info on Kalos starter Pokémon's second evolutions, click here.
"Although it still needs to go a step further than teenagers. Don't leave the adults hangin!" added ‪Zac Winter.
As a reminder, the Oct. 12 release date coincides with the Torchic distribution event. Torchic will be available, for free, holding the item "Blazikenite," which will transform Torchic's last evolution, Blaziken, into "Mega Blaziken." The Fire-type Hoenn-region starter will be available for gamers worldwide until Jan. 15, 2014
With a suggested retail price of $39.99, the "Pokémon X" and "Pokémon Y" games will be released in North America, Europe, Japan and Australia on Oct. 12 for the Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 2DS.
For the latest updates, follow Latinos Post's Michael Oleaga on Twitter: @EditorMikeO
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