By Peter Lesser ( | First Posted: Sep 15, 2013 02:22 PM EDT

Viewers across the globe are still picking their jaws up off the floor. Miley Cyrus’s twerktastic performance blew our minds. Fans are still unsure of what to make of it. Was it success? Or a complete flop? While many were disgusted by her nude two piece and unsavory tongue out expression that has become a staple of her look, perhaps those were the young singer’s intentions all alone. She wants to shed her Hannah Montana image and shock the world, and that’s exactly what she’s done. Although she may have compromised her moral integrity, she couldn’t care less. All eyes are on her, just in time for her new album, which is now just a month and a half away.

However, the anticipated release remains shrouded in doubt and frustration. Following the VMA performance, nearly 160 people formally filed complaints to the Federal Communications Commission, disapproving of Miley’s provocative and "shameless" display. Below are some of the highlights, in no particular order.

1. “Her gyrating and bending over in front of the singer’s crotch with her tongue sticking out is obscene and her manipulation of a foam finger was also unacceptable.”

2. “How is it possible that you threw a conniption fit over Janet Jackson’s accidental nipple slip and yet I was subjugated to four minutes of Miley Cyrus last night?”

3. “Miley Cyrus’s performance was too indecent for TV. It amazes me that a strip club is opening in Atlantic City, and the performers there will be forbidden to simulate sexual acts, but Miley Cyrus did just that on national TV.”

4. “Female Miley Cyrus was plainly touching genital area of a male actor then touching her own genitals then rubbing her butt into a male’s front genital then pumping a large hand like she was masturbating all on live national/international television. This is indecent broadcasting!!!”

5. “The Miley Cyrus performance was very pornographic and should not have been on TV. She made multiple very indecent sexual poses and gestures, from grabbing her crouch, using a foam finger like a dildo, and licking the butt of a stuff bear in a sexual manner. Plus the fact that she barely had any clothes on.”

6. “The annual Video Music Awards program. During the presentation of her song, she went through several indecent actions, including one suggesting anal sex.”

7. “The performance of Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga amount to nothing less than child pornography. A PG-14 rating was deceptive and fraudulent. Shame on the folks who rate programs for children. You are responsible for this filth.”

8. “Simulating sex acts on stage, vulgar dancing, ‘twerking,’ simulating masturbation.”

9. “The show that Miley Cyrus put on was a disgrace! I was watching this show with my granddaughter and was very embarrassed. I think this was much, much worse than that disaster at the Super Bowl with one of the Jackson girls.”

10. “Obscene, slutty, indecent implied sexual acts with bears and foam finger. ‘Twerk’ seems to be the word, and should not be on during evening programming, or limited to a subscription channel. Miley Cyrus’ performance may have been okay in a strip club where people put currency in her clothing, but NOT on TV.”