By Francisco Salazar ( | First Posted: Feb 25, 2013 09:04 AM EST

The Academy Awards were handed out on Feb. 24 with Seth Macfarlane hosting the show.

MacFarlane had audience members laughing but at the same time cringing from crude jokes. At the start of the evening MacFarlane made fun of Ben Affleck's omission in the directing category stating "The film is so top secret that the film's director is unknown to the Academy. They know they screwed up."

He also made fun of Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis, "You were 100 percent in character as Lincoln, 24/7. ... So if you saw a cell phone, would you have to be like, 'Oh my God, what's that?' If you bumped into Don Cheadle on the studio lot, did you try to free him?"

MacFarlane joked about Oscar nominee "Django Unchained" as well. "This is a story about a man fighting to get back his woman who has been subjected to unspeakable violence. Or as Chris Brown and Rihanna call it, a date movie," he joked. The response was tepid from the audience and MacFarlane immediately moved on to another joke and added, "A lot of controversy about the use of the N-word in the film. I'm told the screenplay is based on Mel Gibson's voicemail."

During the introduction, a screen came on stage with William Shatner in his Star Trek uniform. He told Macfarlane that the show was a disaster and stated, "I've come back in time from the 23rd century to stop you from destroying the Academy Awards. ... Your jokes are tasteless and inappropriate, and everyone ends up hating you," says Shatner. "Why couldn't they just get Tina [Fey] and Amy [Poehler] to host the show? You sing an incredibly offensive song that offends all the actors in the audience." Shatner then presented a video of MacFarlane singing a tune called "We Saw Your Boobs," singling out actresses and the films in which they dropped their tops. During the following segments MacFarlane introduced Daniel Radcliffe, Charlize Theron, Channing Tatum, and Joseph Gordon Levitt to sing and dance.

Other highlights of the night included MacFarlane voicing his character Ted in which he claimed to be Jewish because that was the only way to be in the film business. MacFarlane said "I was born Theodore Shapiro and I would like to donate money to Israel and continue to work in Hollywood forever."

One joke that did not go down with the audiences was when MacFarlane said that the only actor who really got inside Lincoln's head was the president's assassin John Wilkes Booth. The audience was not happy with the response and MacFarlane questioned, "A hundred and fifty years and it's still too soon, huh? I've got some Napoleon jokes coming up."